Full Feature list

Curious about all the features Jolojo offers?

You're in the right place!

Create with ease and speed


Superb base template

Start from any of our templates, including our totally blank one and all plugins will just work, be responsive and allow modification.

Content blocks

At the heart of Jolojo we use Content blocks where you choose the column layout and then drag plugins in. Easy to use. Super powerful.


From a basic text plugin to a gallery, all our plugins are designed for ease of use and look fantastic.

Typography editor

Jolojo talks to Google Fonts API and is deeply integrated. Select the fonts you want, apply them to elements. Font changes couldn't be easier.

Colour editor

Choose and store template colours that you can apply to elements within Jolojo. Update these and the whole site updates.

Custom CSS

If you want even more control, you can trigger custom CSS that is editable on-site (or off-site) and can target almost anything in the platform

Drag and drop

Jolojo uses its own drag and drop engine to make content creation much more fun. Play, tweak and save with speed.

Plugin persistence

You can name plugins, and the drag them onto different pages so that if you update one they all update.

Build on a powerful, high-performance platform


Modern Tech

We use Go, Node, SQLite and Svelte. Nothing but the most up to date for us!

Super admin functions

From Page Management, to User management, administering your website has NOT been easier.

Loved by Google & SEO's

Superfast loading. Great control over technical SEO elements.

Linked data

Add JSON-LD with ease and without delving into code plugins.


2FA out of the box if needed.

On-the-fly image optimisation

Jolojo self optimises all images and converts them to .webp (but keeps the original file extension, as browsers are agnostic about that).

Granular scoping

Show and hide content based on user type.

Easy Stats

Google TAG Manager built in.

Full site backup

Create a whole site backup on a single Zip file.

Single code base

The suck stops with us for the code base, once in release all sites and systems are updated.

Admin scoping

The ability to restrict an admin user to just edit a single plugin, or the whole site, or anywhere in between.

URL Mapping

Powerful URL mapping engine, including auto creation when editing.

Full site restore

Restore a complete site from a single zip file backup.

Start building with Jolojo

What are you waiting for? It's time to get to know your newest best friend.