Welcome to Jolojo, no-code CMS platform.

Content management.


Why Jolojo?

Jolojo is a no-code website builder.

A new, simple way to create powerful and fast websites quickly.

With enough control and power over what you need and less of what you don't need. 

Our mantra of 'keeping it simple', will make your website super elegant from the start.

Less fiddle. More style.

Jolojo makes you happy
Jolojo lets your ideas flow

Super templates

Out of the box, our super efficient templates will give you all you need.

Inline editing

Edit text content on page, as you see it.

Couldn't be easier.

Content blocks

A page in Jolojo is created from a template. The template has a Header and a Footer that are common to all pages.

The main page content is then built by adding Content Blocks and dragging plugins into them.

Content blocks come with some funky features, check them out here.


Below is a list of available plugins:

Text (Rich Text Editor), Image, Video, Gallery, Carousel, Testimonials, Menu, Contact Form, Social Links, Blog Post, Blog List, Blog Title, Timeline, Animated Blocks, Reset Password, Register with Password, Login Button, Login Form, 2FA, FAQ, Breadcrumb.

More information on our help documentation.

Not all websites are created equal.

Jolojo IS the unfair advantage.